Are you kidding me right now People Magazine? I realize you report on completely stupid things, but you ARE the #1 source for celebrity "news" so I'm still religiously following....and then again I'm passing along this 'news' that will make you dumber for having read it, but if People reports it, then it MUST be what THE PEOPLE want to here goes....ladies, if you ever wanted to know how to keep your relationship with your man strong...just follow this couple's advice...mind you, a couple that no one gives a rat's ass about, but a 'celebrity' couple nonetheless. Here goes: Vanessa Manillo and Nick Lachey. According to People, "We shower in the morning and we shower at some point during the day or before bed. We both have our own showerheads so we just talk while we're soaping up and doing our hair," Minnillo tells the magazine. She adds: "It's not a sexual thing and it's not a romantic thing, it just becomes an intimate thing ... I've had some of my most intimate conversations with him in the shower." "You have to talk through everything," she says. "We talk daily about things that upset us. It's about having a sounding board because if you hold in all your thoughts, dreams, anger and anxiety than you're only hurting yourself." Apparently that's not all they're talking about....Nick Lachey is reportedly in the talks for a new reality show....what the hell for? The only reason he was ever in one in the first place was because he was married to Jessica Simpson, who was indeed famous at the time....and it KILLED their why in the hell would this Vanessa chick even consider that?!
"Nick has done [reality TV] before and he was very successful at it and whatever he chooses to do with his future I will support him 100 percent," Minnillo says. "But me personally, I don't know. I think that there's something to be said for keeping intimate moments to yourself." Come again? If by "100% successful at it" you mean a failed marriage and nothing but boyband leftovers for a career, then yes, he was an amazing success.....I think the only smart thing she said was that she didn't want to be involved in that....but let's be honest for a second, neither of them have booming careers....I have a feeling we'll see their reality show together in 3, 2, 1.....
And let's rewind....THEY TALK ABOUT ALL OF THIS IN THE SHOWER. How LONG are those showers?
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